How to Remove Google AdSence Account

In this tutorial, I'm going to explain about how to easily delete Google AdSense Account.Whenever you face trouble on Google AdSence Account, such as Google AdSense not approved or disable. You have an option to delete your Google AdSence Account. 

Follows these instruction step-by-step:

Step-1. Open your Gmail Account first and Click on Google Account.

Google Account

Step-2. Here, Click to Payments & subscriptions option and go to manage payment methods for next.

Manage Payments & subscriptions methods

Step-3. Then, Click on Setting option and go to payments profile status for next.

Setting AdSence Payments

Step-4. Here, choose the reason why you closing your AdSence profile from gmail and click to next or continue.
Closing your payment profile

Note: After Click to Continue or Confirming your Google AdSence Account remove or closing your payments profile from gmail and you have received two confirming mail from AdSence that you have finally cancelled your Account.

Have a look confirming mail here...

Remove or Cancelled Google AdSence
Cancelled Google AdSence

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How to Remove Google AdSence Account How to Remove Google AdSence Account Reviewed by Neel Kamal on February 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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