Persecution of Hindus

The Hindus who have been living in the boast that there is eternal religion for billions of years and no one can erase it, I only request them humbly to read the following facts carefully.

Lord Shiva Temple
Lord Shiva
  • In 1761, a part was separated from India, becoming an Islamic nation - the name is Afghanistan.
  • In 1947, a part was separated from India, became an Islamic nation - the name is Pakistan.
  • In 1971, a part was separated from India, becoming an Islamic nation - the name is Bangladesh.
  • One state of India became Islamic between 1952 and 1990 - the name is Kashmir
  • And now  Assam, Uttar Pradesh, and Kerala are on the verge of becoming Islamic states!
And whenever we talk about awakening Hindus, tell the truth, some people call us RSS, VHP and SHIV-SENA, BJP people!

Hindus have experienced historical and current religious persecution and systematic violence. These occurred in the form of forced conversions, documented massacres, demolition and desecration of temples, as well as the destruction of educational centres. 

Persecution of Hindus 

Three major eras of persecution of Hindus:
  • Violence of Muslim-rulers against the Indian population, driven by rejection of Non-Islamic religions.
  • Violence against Hindus in the context of the Indian-Pakistan conflict.
  • Other contemporary cases of violence against Hindus worldwide.

Ruins Sun Temple Martand
Ruins Martand Sun Temple (Hindu temple built in 8th century)*.  (Wiki Image)

*The temple was completely destroyed on the orders of Muslim  Sikandar Butshikan in the early 15th century, with demolition lasting a year.

Why did the Hindu disappear from Afghanistan?
  • Kabul which was the city built by Lord Rama's son Kush, there is not a single temple left today.
Ruin Kush Hindu Temple, Kabul, Afghanistan
Ruin Kush Hindu Temple (Kabul, Afghanistan) Third Party Image
  • Gandhara which is mentioned in Mahabharata, where the queen was Gandhari, today her name is Kandahar, and there is not a single Hindu left.
  • Cambodia where King Surya Dev Burman built the world's largest temple "Ankorwat", there is no Hindu even today.
  • In Bali Island 20 years ago, 90% were Hindus, today only 20% are left.
  • In the "Kashmir Valley" 50% of Hindus were just 25 years ago, not a single Hindu is left today.
  • In Kerala 10 years ago, 60% of the population was of Hindus, today only 10% of Hindus are in Kerala.
  • In North East like Sikkim, Nagaland, Assam etc. Hindus are killed or banished everyday, or they are being converted.

Friends, until 1569, Iran was called Paras or Persia and there was not a single Muslim, only Parsis lived.

When the Paras were attacked by the Muslims, then the Parsis old - elders used to teach their youth that no one can erase us, but all the Parsis were wiped out from Iran.

Gradually their slaughtering and conversion took place.

Some Parsis in a boat somehow reached Uddhavada village in Nausari district of Gujarat, and today Parsis are left in India only in number.

Hindus who are always begging for peace ……

The biggest crisis in the history till date is now coming to the Hindus.

There are 80 countries of Christians and 56 countries of Muslims.

And India, the only country of Hindus, is no longer safe for Hindus.

I asked 10 people who are Hindus, which caste?

Everybody gave different answers ……
Someone said Rajput…
Someone said Brahmin…
Somebody said Jat…
Someone said Jain…
So someone told Agarwal… everyone different.

But I asked 10 Muslims from which caste?

Everyone got an answer …… “Muslims”

 I felt very strange, I asked again, then the same answer came …… "Muslims"

Then I was very sorry, and felt how different we were and how much they were…

If you have understood something, then if someone asks further, only one answer should come …


And if you are proud of being a "Hindu" then spread this message so much that I get this message back from a Hindu only.

A Muslim public interest petition was filed in the Supreme Court of Pakistan that if we get subsidy to perform Haj in neighboring country then we should also get it.

The Pakistan court rejected the PIL and said that according to "Quran" and "Hadith", Hajj has to be done with the earning of sweat and not with the earnings of others.

Subsidy is against Islam, according to the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the subsidy being given to Indian Muslims is forbidden.

Will the leaders give some comment on this?

Brother is a wonderful law ……
If you ate cow's feed, then sent to jail ……
And those who are eating the cow send them for Haj.

Who wrote a sentence (of Kashmir) below is not a joke, tomorrow it can happen in your city too.
If it had happened in America, Japan or China, then these peace loving religious people would cut and throw them in the gutter.

A few days ago, Ravish Kumar of NDTV asked Sinha sir of RSS in a trance posture that if Muslims become more in the country, which mountain will break?

An experimental answer to
One sentence gave

A film Haider was underway at the Muslim-majority University of Kashmir, a tricolor flag was put up for the filming of a scene, and the cast had to speak Jai Hind.

It was to be such that the students of the university fell on that unit.

The film's set was broken, after a lot of struggle, the cast of the film could be taken out.

His hatred of objection and objection to Jai Hind was the reason for all this.

The police arrested some people but were released at the behest of the college administration.

It was not the illiterate people who were studying, they were university students.

Plead with hand, share it, it is no small news.

It is a matter of respect for our country, a beautiful dialogue ……
(Must read once)

BSC student's first day of college ……
(Garland of big Rudraksha in the neck)
Professor - You appear to be great pundits, but pay attention to writing studies in college… Pooja recitation is right at home.
(All the children in the class laugh)
Student (politely) - Sir, you are my teacher, and I'm also honorable, so I would like to say something by your orders.

Teacher says-- Say?
Students, Sir, when such small colleges leave IITs and medical colleges, Muslim students go to raise their beards or don their cap, and no matter how large a lecture, they leave the class and go out for prayers, the teachers feel that piety.

When a Christian student hangs a big cross around his neck, he is piety, and this is his religion.

And today, how many girls have worn the Burqa in front of you in this class, and how many children have put on fake hats, you have not said anything to them, so what is my fault?
Is it just that I'm a Hindu?

The teacher left the class and went out.

Hinduism is the mother of all relations. So proudly say, we are Hindu

Hundreds of years before the Taj Mahal, 40 thousand tons of stone was cut and made a 13-storey Hindu wonder which took 200 years and 10 generations.

Construction is always from top to bottom, but the Kelashnath temple was built by cutting the entire mountain from top to bottom.

A 13-story cave building system cut by monolithic rock is nowhere other than India.

Kailashnath Temple: The monolithic rock of Aurangabad (Maharastra) lava is cut by a chisel

276 feet long, 159 feet wide, 90 feet high
13 floors,

Assess your ancestors' hard skills and stone strength with this
Aurangzeb's army broke the temple continuously for one year and the temple still stands,

Shikhara, Aurangabad (Maharastra)

Think that our ancestors were very advanced and scientific even compared to today.

Final thoughts...

As you know, Hindus have experienced historical and current religious persecution and systematic violence. So, Hindus please follow your religion proudly and  chant  Mantra such as Om Namah Shivaya, Jai Shri Ram, Hare Krishna..Hare Krishna.., and also shout Jaikara and Slokas whenever required. Secular Hindus please try to understand. Don't compromise with religion.

Learn from history...!!
Hinduism is the mother of all relations.
So proudly say, we are Hindu....

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Thanks a lot for reading!
Neel Kamal

Persecution of Hindus Persecution of Hindus Reviewed by Neel Kamal on May 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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