What is Enviroglobe and Envirochip and How does it affect us.

Let's see what is Enviroglobe and Envirochip.
Modicare: 80 Years of Heritage 
Modicare Enviroglobe
Radiation Protection EnviroGlobe
I personally guarantee refund *of your money if you are not 100% satisfied with the quality of the product : Samir Modi [Excutive Director, Modi Enterprises]

Brief Information about Modicare EnviroGlobe:
Nowadays, our daily lives directly or indirectly connected with electronic gadgets. As you know Electronics gadgets generate high harmful radiations specially electromagnetic radiations effect us our lives. Modicare Enviroglobe help to reduce the harmful electromagnetic waves well.

Our daily lives revolve around using wireless communication technology. Add the radiations from nearby mobile towers and the high tension wire lines or even the servers in our offices; we are constantly exposed to Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs) and 
electromagnetic field emitted by various sources at the same time & at a given place form *Electrosmog.

 Features & Benefits
  • We are surrounded by Electrosmog 24x7, which increases stress levels and affects health. Enviroglobe protects us from this harmful electrosmog.
  • When placed in any household or office area, it neutralizes the harmful impact of Electromagnetic Radiation emitted from the all the wi-fi devices, boosters, Mobile Towers etc. around it.
  • The globe helps to protect an area of approx. 300-350 sq. ft. from the ill-effects of electro-magnetic radiations. It changes the harmful nature of radiation without altering the signal strength and quality.
  • EnviroGlobe helps in reducing the stress in the human body caused due to exposure to EMFs and Electrosmog over a period of time.
Modicare EnviroGlobe:

  • Tested on more than 1000 people and it has been proved that after having EnviroGlobe installed, pulse rate reduced by 4-7 percent in those who have a high pulse rate (> 82). Lower pulse rate indicates lower stress and better health.

How to use the EnviroGlobe:

  • Place Enviroglobe in the area that you need to make radiation friendly. It covers 300-350 sq. ft. of area. Recharge it in sunlight/artificial light/lamp for 15 minutes once in a week. 

Are Modicare Envirochip genuine?

Yes! they are actually genuine, hard to believe but they are! People ask if it so then why don't mobile company themself use them while they manufacture after all it cost only 600 ?, for them Enviro Chip Pvt . Ltd. ( who manufacture these chip for Modicare) have patented them so it is illegal for mobile companies to use them with there permission.
Modicare Envirochip
Radiation Protection EnviroChip
Modicare is the fastest growing Multi Level Marketing company in India, and first company in India to get certificate from Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSI). Envirochip is a revolutionary product from Modicare, which helps in reducing impact of harmful radiations from electronic devices.

This chip is an innovative product that helps in reducing the ill effects of radiation by changing the nature of wave forms randomly. Envirochip helps you protect from the harmful radiation caused by electronic gadgets such as smartphones, desktop/laptops, Wi-FI Routers, monitors, tablets, Smart TV and other gadgets without impacting on the performance of these gadgets.

Modicare Envirochip takes care of the harmful, non-thermal aspect of radiation as it deals with the nature of radiation and changes the ‘constant’ wave forms of microwave radiation to ‘random’ so that there is no biological damage to the human body.

Let's test Envirochip on your body:

  • Try this simple hand strength test: Lift your hand and clench your fists. Ask someone to push one of your hands down with all the force and you try and resist. It will be seen that the hand does not go down easily. 
  • Now hold your mobile phone (switched on) in one hand and ask your friend to push your other hand down with the same force and you resist in a similar manner. 

Did you notice any change? 

  • Probably you will find that your hand is not able to resist and goes down easily. Now fix Envirochip on your mobile phone and hold and again ask your friend to push your other hand down. You will notice that you are able to resist, as in the 1st case.

Modicare is the parent company under the flagship leadership of Mr. Samir Modi. Envirochip is a chip designed and created by  Environics (Enviro Chip Pvt . Ltd.) based in Delhi/NCR.

Its a quite unique product in the market as it frees the mobile, laptops and desktop screens of harmful radiations without reducing or affecting the signal strength. In next few years all companies would be making chips like this.

As of now only Modicare company offers this chip and as first mover advantage. So its a great business opportunity. Moreover Modi group is known for credibility and quality.

Final thoughts...

According to my experience it is very helpful to protect our daily lives from harmful  electromagnetic waves and after use Modicare Enviroglobe you feel good. 

So, Please share the information to your family, relatives, friends and others as soon as possible. Because, electromagnetic waves may be very harmful or risky for our lives. it's a serious issues of to our lives.

If you find this article informative, please share the post to your friends. We hope this information will useful for our readers.

Source: Modicare Official Website
*Electrosmog - It means pollution of electronics waves.

Thanks a lot for reading!
Neel Kamal

What is Enviroglobe and Envirochip and How does it affect us. What is Enviroglobe and Envirochip and How does it affect us. Reviewed by Neel Kamal on May 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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