How to create a Gmail account

Gmail it means Google mail. Gmail is a very popular free web-based email service provider, most of  small or big business men/women use Gmail, to set up the new businesses. It's provide us free, advertising-supported email service. Gmail started on dated April 1, 2004, and ended its testing phase on July 7, 2009.  

Nowadays, Gmail provides us 15 gigabytes (GB) storage data online. Google's mail servers automatically scan emails for multiple purposes, such as filter spam and malware, and to add context-sensitive advertisements next to emails. Gmail supports multiple languages (72) such as English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese etc... Gmail running on Android mobile also.

In this tutorial, we’re going to guide you how to get started with email by creating an account in Gmail.
Note:  A computer system with internet access and a web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc..)  installed on your computer.
Image Gmail Logo
For creating a Gmail account step-by-step follow these instructions:

Step 1: Open to Google 

Open your internet browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc..) and go to the Google home page: and then click on Gmail at the top right corner of the page.
Image Google
Step 2: Create an account
Now here,  the ‘Sign in’ section. As  you don’t have a Google account yet, you need to create one. Click Create an account.
Image Sign in

Step 4: Enter your personal details

If you want to set up your new account, Google needs some personal information about you first, your first and last names. The ‘choose your username’ is the unique email address that you wish to use, which will be placed before ‘’. Because it needs to be unique, Google may have to check the availability of any name that you decide on to make sure that no one already has it. Type an email name into the ‘choose your username’ box and then fill out the rest of your information.

Image Gmail Account Details-1
Here, If the email name that you requested in is not available, you’ll get a message saying that somebody already has that username and offering you some alternatives. You can decide to accept one of the alternatives or type in another name and check its availability once more. You will have to complete some of the other boxes again. You may have to do this a few times. Once you finalise your email address, it’s a good idea to make a note of it so that you can refer to it until you remember it.

You’ll need to come up with a password so that you can log in securely to your account. Google may explain that you should try one with at least 8 characters long to be secure. Use letters and numbers to make the password more secure and difficult to guess. You can add an existing email address to keep your new email secure as well.

Image Gmail Account Details-2

Step 5: Verify your number
To get to the next steps you will need to verify your mobile phone number.
Image Verify
Here, need to enter your verification code at once, what you have received on the mobile phone.
Image Enter Verification Code
Note: Google will now ask you to verify your account via text or voice call, select the option that you want and click on Continue. If you chose the text message option you will see a new window where you will have to enter the code that Google has sent to your mobile number. Select Continue and congratulations or Welcome you have created your Gmail account.

Step 6: Privacy  verification section
To get to the next steps you will need to Accept Google's privacy and terms first, once you have read it click on I Agree.
Image I Agree

Image Google Welcome

Step 6: Gmail dashboard
You will be automatically redirected to Gmail's dashboard and once you have read all of the information your Gmail is now ready to use. On the left hand side you will be able to see your inbox, sent mail, starred, snoozed and trash etc.., you will also be able to compose emails from this list too.
Image Mail Dashboard

Step 7: Set up a profile picture

You will now have set up your account. You can go straight to your inbox and get started, or you can set up a photo to show as your profile picture. To set up your profile picture click

on the profile icon on the top right hand corner of the page and click Change.

Image Set up profile

Then, you can upload a photo saved to your computer. Once you are happy with the picture you have chosen then select Set as profile picture. You can change this at any time by going back into your profile picture settings.
Image Profile

Completing your setup..login again ...

You can complete your Google mail setup by clicking the available resources on the dashboard. But if you find any problems click on help.

Thanks a lot for reading!

Neel Kamal
How to create a Gmail account How to create a Gmail account Reviewed by Neel Kamal on September 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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