edu: Educational organizations and universities
org: Non-profit organizations
net: Networks
gov: Government Organisations
mil: Military organizations
DNS is a database used for translating domain names into IP addresses in a TCP/IP based network. The process of resolving a domain name to IP address is called name resolution. The IP protocol is used to differentiate each computer on the network by assigning a unique IP address. However, an IP address is difficult to remember . As a result, DNS is needed because it is easier to remember a Web site name rather than its IP address. For example, a domain name is, whereas the IP address for the same domain name is
DNS was invented between 1983-84 for the Internet. It helps Internet user communicate with Web site by mapping meaningful names to the IP addresses of Web sites.
DNS Hierarchy
DNS provide a hierarchical structure, called domain namespace, for managing the DNS database. The hierarchical structure includes:
- Root Domain: Situated at the top of the domain structure and it is represented by a period [.]
- Top-Level Domain: Situated below the root domain and used to represent the type of organization. Following are the top-level domains available:
edu: Educational organizations and universities
org: Non-profit organizations
net: Networks
gov: Government Organisations
mil: Military organizations
- Second-Level Domain: Part of top-level domain and the name provided to organizations or to individual users.
In domain name the last part generally signifies the country name. For example, a domain name In this case, the in means
that the domain is registered in India. Similarly, there are few other
country name suffixes that are also in common use. These are:
- India (in)
- Japan (jp)
- United Kingdom (uk)
- Canada (cn)
- Taiwan (tw)
How Domain Works
DNS is miilar to a telephone book. for example, suppose you are looking for a person's name in the telephone book. After finding the name, you note the number listed with that name in the phone book. Similarlyd , in DNS, the hos computer contact the domain name and the DNS server looks in the database and maps the domain name to an IP address. It then return the IP address to the host computer.
What is Domain | How Domain works
Reviewed by Neel Kamal
September 12, 2018