Coronavirus COVID-19 something's wrong!


On 12th March 2020, WHO has declared a pandemic, outbreak of respiratory disease caused by new corona virus, the virus is called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-Cov-2) and the disease it causes has been named "coronavirus disease 2019" (abbreviated COVID-19). Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in many different species of animals, including cats, camels, cattle  and bats.

coronavirus is spreading
COVID-19 is spreading
In the past, other types of coronaviruses have caused illness such as 1. SARS - associated coronavirous (SARS-CoV), first detected in Asia in Feb 2003. Since 2004, there have not been any known cases of SARS reported anywhere in the world. 2. Middle East Respiratory syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), first reported in Jordan in April 2012 and later detected in Saudi Arabia in Sept. 2012.  The largest known outbreak of MERS outside the Arabian Peninsula occurred in the Republic of Korea in 2015. 

All cases have been linked through travel to, or residence in, countries in and near the Arabian Peninsula. COVID-19 epicentre was in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The first case was detected on 31st Dec, 2019.

This article can be myth or true.?*
 Mystery of Coronavirus

US companies sue China for $ 2 trillion

Washington, IANS: A US law firm based in Washington and a Texas company has sued the Chinese government for $ 2 trillion for a novel corona virus infection. These two American companies have sought this compensation from China to compensate for the losses caused by this global epidemic.

US attorney Larry Clayman and his advocacy group Freedom Watch and high school sports photography Texas-based Buzz Photo filed the case. The petitioners have accused the Chinese government of developing the novel corona virus as an "illegal biological weapon". The lawsuit alleged that the virus was produced in China's port city of Wuhan Institute of Virology. Who took the whole world in a few days.
Coronavirous COVID-19: Something's wrong!

*Corona Virus COVID-19 in Wuhan's nearby city of Beijing / Shanghai had no effect, but death in USA, Italy, Iran, European countries and ruining the world economy.

 Wuhan to Shanghai = 629 km
 Wuhan to Beijing = 1052 km
 Wuhan to Milan = 8700 km
 Wuhan to New York = 12000 km
 Wuhan to Italy = 8670 km
 Wuhan to London = 8880 km
 Wuhan to Paris = 8900 km
 Wuhan to Spain = 9830 km
 Wuhan to India = 3575 km
 Wuhan to Iran = 6560 km

All business areas of China are safe...!  Something is wrong ...!!

America's all neighbors country are blaming China for COVID-19 diseases.
  • We continued to play Hindustan - Pakistan, Hindu - Muslim, Nehru - Gandhi - Savarkar, Section - 370, CAA, NPR & NRC,  Shaheen Bagh, Madhya Pradesh!
  • Fear of terror, America kept protecting us and kept selling weapons and ...
  • On the other hand, China has worsened the economic situation of the whole world and today itself is sitting safely!
  • It says - far-sighted and long-held conspiracy to rule the world ...!
  • The virus from Wuhan reached the whole world but did not reach Beijing, Shanghai ...! Why ...?
  • Great people in the world have been corona, Hollywood - Star, Australia's Home Minister, Britain's Health - Minister, Spain's Prime Minister's wife and now Britain's Prince Charles also has Corona, but China Corona has not even touched a single leader, a single military - commander ...! Why ...?
  • Corona virus has ruined the economy worldwide, thousands have lost their lives, millions have been sick and countless people have been locked in homes, locked down in many countries, In which India is also one!
  • Corona virus has originated from the city of Wuhan in China and now it has reached every corner of the world, but this virus has not reached the capital of China: Beijing and the economic-capital: Shanghai near Wuhan, why ...?
  • Today Paris is closed, New York is closed, Berlin is closed, Rome is closed, Delhi is closed, Mumbai is closed, major economic and political centers of the world are closed, but Beijing and Shanghai are open, there Corona did not show any effect! Numerous cases came to light, but in a way, Corona had no effect on Beijing and Shanghai, why ...?
  • Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live, military-leaders live here, those who run the power of China live here, there is no lock-down in Beijing! It is open! Corona has no effect here, why ...?
  • Shanghai is the city that runs China's economy, it is the economic capital of China, here all the rich people of China live! Those who keep the industry running, there is no lock-down here, corona here has no effect…! Why ...?
  •  Is corona a pandemic virus, which has been told that you have to create panic all over the world, but you will not come to Beijing and Shanghai, it is very important to ask China the question that when the biggest developed countries of the world could not stop Corona! Corona created terror in big cities of the world, so why did not this conflict reach Beijing…? ; Why not reach Shanghai ...? Why ...?
  • Beijing and Shanghai are the areas adjacent to Wuhan! The virus from Wuhan reached every corner of the world, but this virus did not reach Beijing and Shanghai…! Why ...?
  • Today, the whole of India and 130 crore Indians may be locked-down! Our economy is coming to a standstill, but all major cities of China are open and now and from April 8, China is also opening Wuhan! The whole world is stricken with terror! Now new cases are not coming in China and China is open…! Why ...?
  • Another big thing is that the stock market around the world has fallen by almost half! Nifty has gone from 12 thousand to 7 thousand in India too! But China's share - market was at 3 thousand which is only at 2700! There is no effect of this virus on the Chinese market as well…! Why ...?
  • Whatever these things are, they only point to one thing that the corona is a bio-chemical weapon of China, which China has left for destruction in the world! After getting some people killed, China has now controlled this virus! Perhaps he also has medicine, which he is not sharing with the world!
Anyways, Stay Home...! Stay Safe...!!

The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.
You can take following steps to protect yourself:
  • Use face mask to cover your nose and mouth.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. If soap water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth frequently.
  • Maintain social distancing, at least 1 metre (3 feet).
  • Greetings: Practice safe greetings. Avoid physical contact such as handshakes, hugging. Greet with a Namaste, hand wave, nod or a bow.
Please stay at home
Stay Home | Be Safe

Indian Government and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has provided the following helpline number:

National helpline: 1075
Central helpline: +91-11-23978043
Central helpline email:
MyGov whatsapp: 91+90131-51515

Andhra Pradesh: 0866-2410978

Arunachal Pradesh: 9436055743

Assam: 6913347770

Bihar: 104

Chhattisgarh: 077122-35091

Goa: 104

Gujarat: 104

Haryana: 8558893911

Himachal Pradesh: 104

Jharkhand: 104

Karnataka: 104

Kerala: 0471-2552056

Madhya Pradesh: 0755-2527177

Maharashtra: 020-26127394

Manipur: 3852411668

Meghalaya: 108

Mizoram: 102

Nagaland: 7005539653

Odisha: 9439994859

Punjab: 104

Rajasthan: 0141-2225624

Sikkim: 104

Tamil Nadu: 044-29510500

Telangana: 104

Tripura: 0381-2315879

Uttarakhand: 104

Uttar Pradesh: 18001805145

West Bengal: 1800313444222

Andaman & Nicobar Islands: 03192-232102

Chandigarh: 9779558282

Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu: 104

Delhi: 011-22307145

Jammu & Kashmir: 1912520982

Ladakh: 1982256462

Lakshadweep: 4896263742

Puducherry: 104

Thanks a lot for reading!
Neel Kamal
Coronavirus COVID-19 something's wrong! Coronavirus COVID-19 something's wrong! Reviewed by Neel Kamal on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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