A heart touching love story

Once upon a time, there was a rich boy. He fell in love with a poor farmer's girl. Along with being beautiful, the girl was quite intelligent. One day when the boy told the girl that "he loves her, and wants to marry her", the girl after thinking something refused to marry the boy. Because - she had a relationship with a poor family.

A heart touching love story
A Heart Touching Story
But after some time when the boy came to know about this, he talked to the girl's parents and explained to the girl. After much persuasion, she agreed to the girl and both got married. After marriage, the boy loved her very much. The couple's married life was going well.

But after a few months the girl got skin diseases. Due to which her beauty began to change. Now the girl also started to fear that "because of her beauty, her husband should not leave her." The girl was doing everything possible to cure the skin disease.

Time was passing by and the beauty of the girl was slowly getting cast. One day that boy went from one job to another city. When the boy was coming back from there. So he got into an accident with a car on his way. The boy lost his eyesight during that accident.

After some time of this accident, his life again started normal and happy. The girl became weak and ugly day by day due to dermatitis. But due to her blind husband, her married life continued well. And because he was not visible, the boy continued to love him as before.

A few years later the girl died due to illness. After the wife's death, the boy became unhappy inside, and was about to leave town. Then her neighbor comforted her and said - "Now you will be alone without your wife. She used to take great care of you. Now how will your life be spent in darkness."
Then the boy looked at his neighbor and taking a deep breath said- "I was never blind. But I kept pretending to be blind, thinking that my wife might not feel this because of her sickness and ugliness . That I do not love her. 

That is why! I remained blind for my wife's happiness without saying anything for so many years. " Hearing this, the neighbor looked at him and took a deep breath and said- "I was never blind. But I kept pretending to be blind, thinking that my wife might not feel that due to her illness and ugliness. I don't love her. 

That's why! I remained blind for my wife's happiness without saying anything for so many years. " Hearing this, tears came out from the eyes of the neighbor and that boy got up from there and went away ....!

Final thoughts...

A true love never ever die...

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जय हिन्द ! वन्दे मातरम् !!
Neel Kamal

A heart touching love story A heart touching love story Reviewed by Neel Kamal on May 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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