In this article, I'm going to discuss some important terms of computer science with you.
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Address: A location in a computer system that can be referred to in a program.
Account: In computer field an account define a contract with a service provider that gives the account holder the ability to log on and use another computer, as in, 'I have accounts on both Computer or computer Serve and website, can include personal services such as e-mail, chatting, navigation and online storage.
ALU: A section of a CPU in a computer that contains the circuits for carrying out arithmetic operations and logic comparisons.
Animation: Defined as 'art in movement' artificial images in the form of videos.
Analogue Computer:
A computer in which data is represented in the form of physical
quantities such as temperature, pressure, speed of sound or voltage.
Application Program: A program, such as a word processor or spreadsheet, that performs a specific task, an application of computer to a particular type of work.
A software searching system accessible on the Internet that allows you
to search directories of many anonymous FTP archives at the same time.
ASCII: A standardized coding scheme that uses numeric values to represent letters, digits, symbols and so on. ASCII stand for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
Back up: to copy one or more files to disks for safekeeping.
Binary: The base-2 numbering system whose any digits are 0 and 1.
Bit: The smallest unit of information used with computers, corresponds to a binary digit either 0 or 1.
Boot: The start up a computer system, derived from the saying "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps".
BIOS: The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) program is used to control the most basic functions of the hardware devices.
Browser: Software interface for accessing certain services such as the World Wide Web (WWW).
Byte: The unit of measure used for computer memory and data storage. One byte contains eight bits and can store one character. Group of 8 bits.
CAD/CAM: Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Manufacturing
CBT: Computer Based Training
Computer: A device that can perform a sequence of automatic and logic operation and produce useful result or information.
Cache Memory: A high speed buffer type memory set a side in some computers for temporarily storing very active instructions and data.
Command: An instruction you can give to control a computer program such as DOS or Application program.
Command file: A file that contains the program or instructions required to carry out a command. If the file's extension is .COM or .EXE, the command file contains machine instructions, if the extension is BAT, the command file contains DOS commands.
CPU: Short for central processing unit. The part of a computer that performs calculations and processes information.
Cursor: A position indicator employed on a VDU/Monitor screen to indicate a character to be corrected or a position in which the data is to be entered.
Database: A non-redundant collection of inter -related data items processable by one or more applications.
Device: A piece of computer equipment, such as display Monitor or a printer, that performs a specific task, the program that controls a device is called as device driver.
Desktop Computer: A personal computer used for business tasks, or located in a corporate environment.
Disk: A magnetically coated disk used to store information.
Display: The screen on which computer shows both what you type at the keyboard and result of its work.
Drive Letter: The letter that identifies a disk drive, can be any letter from A to Z.
Domain: Domain name means the name of your website.
Enter Key: The key you press to tell OS or application program that you have finished typing a line.
Extension: a suffix of up to three or four characters that can be added to a file name to identify the contents of the more precisely.
E-mail Address: From the Internet perspective, a user ID and Domain name [e.g] that designates an organization/person or service at a particular computer or network host connected to the Internet.
FAX: A system of telecommunication to transmit images which are reproduced at the receiving terminal as hard copy.
FAQ: Short for Frequently Asked Questions, document created by Internet user all over the world who are often experts in the particular topic area.
FAT: Stand for File Allocation Table (FAT) is used to record the status of each part of the disk.
File: A named collection of information stored on a disk, usually contains data, graphics, or a program.
Flowchart: A system programming tool that uses symbols to represent operations, data, and equipment, and defines the major phases of processing as well as the various data media used.
FTP: Short for File Transfer Protocol, an Internet tool that allows you to move a file from one place to another. Here the word 'File' is used to include any type of digital entity- documents, images, artwork, movies, sounds, and software. Anything you can store on a computer can be moved with FTP.
Hardware: The equipment that makes up a computer system, as opposed to programs or software.
Hard Disk Drive (HDD): A disk of large capacity that cannot be removed from its drive.
Hybrid Computer: A data processing device that uses both analogue and digital data representation.
Information: It is the meaning derived from raw data.
ISP: Short for Internet Service Provider, you have to subscribe to a provider for your internet connection. You use your computer and modem to access the provider's system and the provider handles the rest of the details of connecting you to the Internet.
Ink Jet Printer: A non-impact printing system in which the print head moves across the surfaces of the copy paper, shooting a steam of tiny electrostatically charged ink drops at the page, placing them precisely to form individual print characters.
Input: Data entered into a computer system for storage or processing.
Intranet: An in-house computer network within a company/enterprise or a closed user group, that uses the standard Internet technologies, software and protocols.
IP: Short for Internet Protocol, an internet protocol used by the Internet for data transfer.
Internal DOS Command: A DOS command to be used without the DOS diskette in the drive.
Instruction: A statement to the computer that specifies an operation to be performed by the system.
JAVA: Scripting language developed by Sun Microsystems that can be used to write applets for creating enhanced or multimedia features on a web browser.
LAN: Short for Local area network, a system for linking terminals, programs, storage, and graphic devices at multiple workstations over relatively small geographic areas for rapid communication.
LCD: Short for Liquid crystal display, A graphic display on a terminal screen using an electro luminescent technology to form symbols or shapes.
LED: Short for Light Emitting Diode, a diode which glows when supplied with an electric current.
Light Pen: A tool for VDU/Monitor terminal operations that causes the computer to change or modify the display on the cathode ray tube.
Login: The sign on procedure used to access the communication network.
Mainframe Computer: A large-scale computer system.
Microcomputer: A computer system that has microprocessor as its processor unit, and also includes storage and input/output facilities in the basic unit, all of which may or may not be on a single chip.
Minicomputer: A small to medium size programmable general purpose computer typically used for dedicated applications.
Memory: A type of electronic circuitry that the computer uses to store programs and data. Unlike disk storage, which is permanent, a computers working memory is temporary, its contents are lost when power is removed. Memory is usually measured in units of 1024 bytes, called kilobytes and abbreviated KB, a megabyte (MB) is 1024 KB or 1,048,576 bytes.
4 Nibble = 1 Bit
8 Bits = 1 Byte
1024 Bytes = 1 KB (Kilobyte)
1024 KB = 1 MB (Megabyte)
1024 MB = 1 GB (Gigabyte)
1024 GB = 1 TB (Terabyte)
1024 TB = 1 PB (Petabyte)
1024 PB = 1 EB (Exabyte)
1024 EB = 1 EiB (Exbibyte)
1024 EiB = 1 ZB ( Zettabyte)
1024 ZB = 1 ZiB (Zebibyte)
1024 ZiB = 1 YB (Yottabyte)
1024 YB = 1 YiB (Yobibyte)
👉 Click here for computer shortcut command keys
Microprocessor: An integrated circuit or chip that contains the circuits the circuits needed to carry out program instructions. The microprocessor performs calculations, briefly stores instructions and data, and transfers information to and information to and from a computer's memory.
Monitor: a TV like device that displays computer input and output, often used synonymously with display.
MODEM: Short for Modulator-Dmodulator, a modem hooks your computer to the phone line, and as the usual way to hook up to the Internet is over the phone, you need both these things in addition to your personal computer. Modem come in all shapes and sizes.
Network: A number of computer terminals or computer processors linked together by telecommunication lines.
Non-Impact Printers: A printer that creates images on paper without physical impact between the print head and the paper.
OS (Operating System): It is a set of software program which provides an interface between the user and the computer system.
Output: The result of a program's processing input data.
Path: The list of directory names that defines the location of directory or file.
PC: Short for Personal Computer, a small computer whose main applications are for personal rather than corporate problem solving.
Pixels: The picture element consisting of individual dots that form an image on the PC screen.
POST: Short for Power On Self Test is an internal test that the computer performs to test its hardware components each time it is powered on.
Program: A request displayed by the computer for you to provide some information or perform an action. Or A set of sequenced instructions to cause a computer to perform particular operation.
Programming Language: Any language in which computer processing instructions are written.
RAM: Short for Random Access Memory, the memory that OS uses for programs and data, contains are lost when computer is switched off.
Root Directory: The main directory that OS creates on each disk, the top directory in a multilevel directories.
Software: The programs that are used with a computer system, as opposed to the equipment, or hardware. In other way Software programs, are stored as sets of instructions that the govern the operation of a computer system and make the hardware run.
Super Computer: Any computer characterized by very high computing power which is order of magnitude more than the currently available high performance computers.
Surfing: Slang for browsing computers on the Internet.
TCP/IP: Short for Transmission control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the protocol used by the Internet that makes Telnet, FTP, E-mail, and other services possible among the many different computer types on the Internet.
Teleconferencing: The use of interactive audio, video, for electronic group communications.
Trojan Horse: it is a program that will appear to perform its intended purpose, and under this guise also perform unauthorized functions.
URL: Short for Uniform Resource Locator, syntax for Internet resource addresses.
User ID: The name by which someone can access a computer system.
VR: Short for virtual reality, A way for humans to visualize, manipulate and interact with computers and extremely complex data.
Video Conferencing: The use of interactive video, for electronic media group communications live session. Some website or apps are also play a vital role for visual communication.
VDU: Short for Visual display Unit, a TV like display screen and associated keyboard. also known as Monitor.
Viruses: It is a programs that modify other programs and reproduce endlessly, infecting other programs.
WAN: Short for Wide Area Network. A network of computers spread over large distance. It could also include LANs as part of its network.
Wild Characters: There are those characters which are used for substituting one character or a set of characters. The wild card characters are used to restrict the scope of a DOS command to only those files which matches the pattern specified. These are of two types - '*' and '?', where '*' can substitute a set of characters and '?' can only substitute a character at a particular position.
Worms: It is a programs that replicate themselves and spread from one computer to another.
WWW: Short for World Wide Web is a section of the Internet where related information is linked.
Most important terms used in the field of Hacking:
Adware - This software designed to force pre-chosen ads to display on your system.
Attack - This term "attack" is an action that is done on a system to get its access and extract sensitive data.
door - A back door, or trap door, is a hidden entry to a computing
device or software that bypasses security measures, such as logins and
password protections.
Bot - A bot is a program that
automates an action so that it can be done repeatedly at a much higher
rate for a more sustained period than a human operator could do it.
Botnet - A botnet,
also known as zombie army, is a group of computers controlled without
their owners’ knowledge. Botnets are used to send spam or make denial of
service attacks.
Brute force attack - A brute force
attack is an automated and the simplest kind of method to gain access to
a system or website. It tries different combination of usernames and
passwords, over and over again, until it gets in.
Buffer Overflow -
Buffer Overflow is a flaw that occurs when more data is written to a
block of memory, or buffer, than the buffer is allocated to hold.
Clone phishing - Clone
phishing is the modification of an existing, legitimate email with a
false link to trick the recipient into providing personal information.
Crack Software -
A cracker is one who modifies the software to access the features which
are considered undesirable by the person cracking the software,
especially copy protection features.
Drone - A Zombie Drone is defined as a hi-jacked
computer that is being used anonymously as a soldier or 'drone' for
malicious activity, for example, distributing unwanted spam e-mails.
Denial Attack - Denial of Service attacks or spam attacks.
Exploit -
Exploit is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or a sequence of
commands that takes advantage of a bug or vulnerability to compromise
the security of a computer or network system.
Exploit Kit - An exploit kit is software system designed to run on web
servers, with the purpose of identifying software vulnerabilities in
client machines communicating with it and exploiting discovered
vulnerabilities to upload and execute malicious code on the client.
Firewall - A
firewall is a filter designed to keep unwanted intruders outside a
computer system or network while allowing safe communication between
systems and users on the inside of the firewall.
Keystroke logging -
Keystroke logging is the process of tracking the keys which are pressed
on a computer (and which touchscreen points are used). It is simply the
map of a computer/human interface. It is used by gray and black hat
hackers to record login IDs and passwords. Keyloggers are usually
secreted onto a device using a Trojan delivered by a phishing email.
Logic bomb - A
virus secreted into a system that triggers a malicious action when
certain conditions are met. The most common version is the time bomb.
Malware -
Malware is an umbrella term used to refer to a variety of forms of
hostile or intrusive software, including computer viruses, worms, Trojan
horses, ransomware, spyware, adware, scareware, and other malicious
Phishing - Phishing is an e-mail fraud method in
which the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking emails, in an
attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients.
Phreaker -
Phreakers are considered the original computer hackers and they are
those who break into the telephone network illegally, typically to make
free long distance phone calls or to tap phone lines.
Rootkit -
Rootkit is a stealthy type of software, typically malicious, designed
to hide the existence of certain processes or programs from normal
methods of detection and enable continued privileged access to a
Shrink Wrap Code - A Shrink Wrap code attack is an act of exploiting holes in unpatched or poorly configured software.
Social Engineering - Social
engineering implies deceiving someone with the purpose of acquiring
sensitive and personal information, like credit card details or user
names and passwords.
Spam - A Spam is simply an unsolicited email, also known as junk email, sent to a large number of recipients without their consent.
Spoofing - Spoofing
is a technique used to gain unauthorized access to computers, whereby
the intruder sends messages to a computer with an IP address indicating
that the message is coming from a trusted host.
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Thanks a lot for reading!
जय हिन्द ! वन्दे मातरम् !!
Neel Kamal

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