Are you well aware of the world wide web

In this article, I'm going to explain about the World Wide Web with you. Are you well aware of the world wide web?

The World Wide Web (WWW)  commonly known as the Web, is an ingenious front-end to much of the information already on the Internet, although that information is best if it is modified specifically for access on the WWW. The web provides an entry point of the Internet that expands outward in an exploratory way using many of the basic Internet tools such as FTP, Telnet usenet, and gopher.

World Wide Web (WWW)
World Wide Web (WWW)

*Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee (born 8 June 1955), also known as TimBL, is an English computer scientist best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web. He is a Professorial Fellow of Computer Science at the University of Oxford.

Source: Wikipedia* 

The World Wide Web was originally developed at CERN, the European Laboratory for particle Physics. Its first stated purpose was to provide a common protocol for requesting human readable information stored at a remote system, using networks.

Some terms one comes across a connection with the Web.

Hypertext - The key to the WWW is the use of hypertext, an idea that goes all the way back to Vannevar Bush in 1945. Around two decades later, Ted Nelson coined the term hypertext, but it is only recently that the term and its implementation have made their way into the mainstream.

The web is a radical departure from the hierarchical world which was available on the internet so far, where drilling down through directory trees is the normal way to navigate. the fundamental concept behind hypertext is that information can be stored and retrieved in a non-hierarchical structure. So, instead of moving through directories of information, as you would during an FTP or Telnet session, you can jump from one place to the next through a series of  links created by someone.

As an example, suppose you were reading the paragraph below on your computer screen, and the first port looked like this:

The concept of a link is important here. A link can literally connect a single word in an online journal on a computer in Delhi to a proceedings paper on a computer Mumbai.

Now, suppose your computer had a mouse connected to it, and you used the mouse to click on the word journal. What would happen? Chances are that you would find yourself connected to computer in Delhi, and on your computer screen would be the very journal under discussion! Click on either Delhi or Mumbai, and you would probably end up connected to the computers referenced in those cities.

HTTP: Short for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, there are so many what happens on the Web (WWW) happens behind the screens and uses an Internet Protocol called HTTP. This protocol is efficient at what it does because it does not have any search functions to slow it down. You simple click here and you go there. This is not to say that WWW services cannot be searched for information, they can,but they do not use the HTTP protocol to do the work. The work is done by software either on your computer or the server computer you are connected t, or through an FTP or Telnet connection HTTP works together with many other Internet tools.

HTTP speakers best is called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). HTML is a subset or SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), which is a powerful language for tagging documents for electronic format and structural uses. 

Nowadays, many journals are tagging their text and figures in SGML to make for easier electronic access and manipulation of the publications. 

Clients and Servers on the Web

The web uses the client-server model of computer interaction. Any computer on the Internet that 'speaks' HTTP is said to be a web server, and any computer that can access that server is a client. The concept allow multiple kinds of computers to talk to each other. The client and server software, while designed to be used specifically on either a VAX or UNIX or Windows or Apple Macintosh computer, must still transmit and receive information in the HTTP protocol, and then display the information on your computer (which has the client software on it) according to the established standards. 

For more details click here What is HTTP

URL: We pronounced 'earl', an URL (Uniform Resource Locators) is basically a way of specifying the location of something on the Internet. That location can be as general as a computer name, or as specific as a single letter on a document on a server anywhere in the world. An URL is what is used in HTML to make hypertext links.

Above link is a standard URL address.This is a kind of connection is shown by the HTTP at the beginning, telling you and the Internet that this is a WWW server you are looking for. If you wanted to tell someone your FTP address, you might write

 For more details click here What is FTP

Web Browsers

As with all Internet resources, getting on the World Wide Web requires a software tool. In the case of the Web, the tool is often called a client or browser.  

A web browser is not the same thing as a Search Engine, though the two are often confused. For a user, a search engine is just a website that provides links to other websites. However, to connect to a website's server and display its web pages, a user must have a web browser installed.

As you know, some web browsers are most popular in the world except to Internet Explorer. The most used browser is Google Chrome, with a 64% global market share on all devices, followed by Safari with 18%. Other notable browsers include Firefox and Microsoft Edge.

A web browser (Browser) is a software application for accessing information on the World Wide Web. When a user requests a web page from a particular blog or website, the web browser retrieves the necessary content from a web server and then displays the page on the user's device.

Web browsers are used on a range of devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. In 2019, an estimated 4.3 billion people used a browser.

The most used browser is Google Chrome, with a 64% global market share on all devices, followed by Safari with 18%. Other notable browsers include Firefox and Microsoft Edge. 

Surfing The Web

The process of navigating and exploring the WWW is often called surfing. Many have wondered why this term (instead of others such as searching, browsing,etc) has stuck in the net community. Basically read the site.  

Nowadays, most of the youth of the world are addicted to the use or misuse of the website.

Are you well aware of the world wide web Are you well aware of the world wide web Reviewed by Neel Kamal on September 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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