Learn how to write the Turbo C program step-by-step | Lesson -2

C Operators & I/O Functions

In this lesson we are going to discuss the following topics:

  • GETS 
  • PUTS


Learn C Program step by step
Learn C Program

Let's see the brief information

There are 5 arithmetic operators in C. They are:
Operators                     Use
    +                            addition
    -                             subtraction
    *                            multiplication
    /                             division
    %                           remainder after integer division (also known as modulus operator)


 If  integer variable x = 10 & y = 3

Expression            Value
x + y                     13
x - y                      7
x * y                     30
x / y                      3
x % y                    1

We are explaining some small program

/* Example of Arithmetic Operators */ 
void main()
{       int         a=2,    b=3;
         printf("a + b  = %d\n",a+b); 
         printf("a - b  = %d\n",a-b); 
         printf("a * b  = %d\n",a*b); 
         printf("a / b  = %d\n",a/b);    }
/* Example of Arithmetic Operators */ 
void main()
{       int         a=6,    b=12, c=6, avg=(a+b+c)/3;
         printf("The Average of %d, %d, And %d Is : %d\n",a,b,c,avg); 
/* Example of find - Distance covered by a vehicle, if speed & time are given */ 
void main()
{       int  speed=10,    time=3, distance=speed*time;
         printf("A Vehicle Travelling At %d KPH For  %d  Hours \n", speed, time); 
         printf("Will Cover %d Kilometeres,  \n", distance);  }
/* Example of Priority of the Arithmetic Operators */ 
void main()
{       int         a=5,    b=10, c=15, ans=0;
         ans = a+b/c;
         printf("The Value Of Ans Is :  %d\n",ans); 
         ans = b*c-a;
         printf("The Value Of Ans Is :  %d\n",ans); 
         ans = a*b/c;
         printf("The Value Of Ans Is :  %d\n",ans); 
         ans =  (a+b)*b/a;
        printf("The Value Of Ans Is :  %d\n",ans);  }
/* Example of Priority of the Arithmetic Operators */ 
void main()
{       int         a, b=15,    c=8, d=3, e=32 f=5;
         a = a * c + e / d + f;
         printf("The Value Of  a =  %d\n",a); 
         a = a * c + e / ( d + f);
         printf("The Value Of  a =  %d\n",a); 
         a = a * (c + e) / d + f;
        printf("The Value Of  a =  %d\n",a); 
         a = b * (c + e) / (d + f);
        printf("The Value Of  a =  %d\n",a);   }
Example: If floating-point variable x =12.5 & y =2.0
Expression       Value
x + y                 14.5
x - y                  10.5 
x * y                 25.0
x / y                  6.25
Example: If integer variable x =11 & y = -3
Expression        Value
x + y                      8
x - y                      14
x * y                     -33
x / y                      -3
x % y                     2
Example: If floating-point variable x = -0.66 & y = 4.50
Expression       Value
x + y                 3.84
x - y                  -5.16
x * y                 -2.97
x / y                  -0.146667
The algebraic formula    The C arithmetic expression
a -[ ( b/ c) x d ]                    a - b / c * d 
( a - b ) / (c x d )                  ( a - b ) / (c * d )  
i = 8, j = 15 & k = 4            w = 2 * ((i % 5) * (4 + (j-3) / (k+2)));
w = 2 * ((8 % 5) * (4 + (15 - 3) / (4  + 2)))
w = 2 * (3 * (4 + (12/6)))
w = 2 * (3 * (4 + 2))        or    u = i % 5;
w = 2 * (3 * 6)                        v = 4 + (j -3) / (k + 2);
w = 2 * 18                               w = 2 (u * v);
w = 36   

Unary Operators

There are 4 type of unary operators:
Operators            use
    -                    unary minus
    ++                 increment operator
    --                   decrement operator
    sizeof            returns the size of operand
  • A unary operators is that, which act upon a single operand to produce a new value.
  • The 1st unary operator is unary minus, where a minus sign precedes a numerical constant, a variable or an expression.
  • The unary minus operator is different from the arithmetic operator which denotes subtraction ( - ), and requires 2 separate operands.
-743        -0X7FFF    -0.2    - (a + b)
  • The 2nd unary operator is increment operator ++ , which causes its operand to be increased by one.
  • The 3rd unary operator is decrement operator -- , which causes its operand to be decreased by one.
  • The operand used with each of these operators must be a single variable.

Example:   Expression   Meaning   New Value of i

if int i = 5;    ++i                i = i + 1        6 

if int i = 5;    ++i                i = i + 1       4

  • The increment and decrement  operators can be utilized in 2  different ways, depending on whether the operator is written before or after the operand.
  • If the operator precedes the operand ( e.g., ++i), then the operand will be altered in value before it is utilized for its intended purpose.
  • If the operator follows the operands  ( e.g., ++i), then the value of the operand will be altered after it is utilized.

/* Example of increment, then display */ 
{       int   i =1;
         printf("i =  %d\n", i); 
         printf("i =  %d\n", ++i); 
         printf("i =  %d\n", i);  

/* Example of display, then increment */ 
{       int   i =1;
         printf("i =  %d\n", i); 
         printf("i =  %d\n", ++i); 
         printf("i =  %d\n", i);  
 The 4th unary operator is sizeof operator, which returns the size of its operand, in bytes. 

/* Example of sizeof() */ 
 void main()
{       printf("The Size Of char  =  %d\n" , sizeof(char)); 
         printf("The Size Of int  =  %d\n" , sizeof(int)); 
         printf("The Size Of short  =  %d\n" , sizeof(short));  
         printf("The Size Of float  =  %d\n" , sizeof(float));   
         printf("The Size Of long  =  %d\n" , sizeof(long));   
         printf("The Size Of double  =  %d\n" , sizeof(double)); 

/* Example of sizeof an array */ 
{       char a1[ ] = "Computer";
         printf("Number of characters  =  %d\n" , sizeof(a1)); 
Unary operators have a higher precedence  than arithmetic operators. 
        int x = 10, y =20;
        The value of - x + y  will be  - 10 + 20  = 10
But  The value of -(x + y)  will be  -(10 + 20)  = 30

Relational & Logical Operators

 Operators        Use
    <                less than
    <=              less than or equal to 
    >                greater than
    >=              greater than or equal to
    = =             equal to
    !=               not equal to
    &&            and
    ||                 or
    !                 not
  • These operators are used to form logical expressions representing conditions that are either true  (int 1) or false  (int 0)   
int a = 1, b = 2,  c=3;

Expression      Meaning   Value
a < b                 true                1
(a+b)  >=c        true                1
(b+c)  > (a+5)  false               0
c != 3               false               0
b = = 2             true                1
int i = 7;
float f = 5.5;
char c = 'w;

Expression                        Meaning        Value
(i >= 6)  && (c = = 'w')        true                1
(i >= 6) || (c = = 119)            false               0
(i < 11) && (i > 100)            false               0
(c != 'p') || ((i + f) <= 10)       true                1
int i = 7;
float f = 5.5;

Expression  Meaning        Value
f  > 5                true                1
!(f  > 5)            false               0
i <=3                false               0
!(i <= 3)           true               
i > (f + 1)         true               
!(i > (f +1))      false               0 

Assignment Operators

There are 6 assignment operators in C :

Operators        use

    =          assign  the value of an expression to an identifier 
    +=        add and then assign
    -=         subtract and  then assign
    +=        multiply and then assign
    /=         divide and then assign
    %=        evaluate  remainder and then assign
int i ;
int j =5;

Expression            Value
i = 3.3                        3
i = 3.4                        -3
i = j                            5
i = j /2                        2
i = 2 * (j / 2)              4
i = 'x'                        120 
i = '0'                        48
int i ;         i = j =5
int j ;         Value 5 will be assigned to both i & j

Example :           
int i = 5; 
int j = 7; 
float f = 5.5; 
float g = -3.25; 

Expression    Meaning            Value
i += 5              i = i + 5               10
f -=  g             f = f  - g               8.75
j *=  (i-3)        j = j * (i-3)           14
f / =3              f = f / 3                 1.833333
i %= (j -2)       i = i % (j -2)        0
/* Example on Assignment operator with after/before increment */ 
void main()
{       int a = 8, b=2, sum1;
         int a = 8, b=2, sum1;
         sum1= a+(++b);    /* Increment Then Add */
         printf("sum1 =  %d\n" , sum1); 
         sum2=x+(y++);    /* Add Then Increment */
         printf("sum2 =  %d\n", sum2); 
Conditional Operator
  •  It can be used instead of if -else
  • A conditional operator is written in the form: 
expression1 ? expression2 : expression3

If expression1 is true, expression2 is evaluated
If expression1 is false, expression3 is evaluated
Only one of the either expression2 or expression3 is evaluated when determining the value of a conditional expression.
flag = (i < 0) ? 0 : 100;
If the value of i is negative, then 0 will be assigned to flag
If the value of i is not negative, then 100 will be assigned to flag
/* Example of ? : operator */ 
void main()
{       int num;        
         printf("\nEnter A Number :");
         scanf( %d", &num); 
         sum2=x+(y++);    /* Add Then Increment */
         (num % 2) ? printf("\nYou Entered ODD"):printf("\nYou Entered EVEN");

Precedence of Operators

Operator names            Operator           Evaluation
unary operators        - ++ -- | sizeof           R to L
arithmetic multiply,        * / %                   L to R
divide & remainder 
arithmetic add and          + -                       L to R
relational operator         < <= > .=              L to R
equality operators            = = | =                 L to R
logical and                        &&                    L to R
logical or                            ||                       L to R
conditional operator           ? :                     R to L
assignment operator    = += -= *= /+ %=   R to L

int a, b, c;
             +=(a > 0 && a<=10) ? ++a : a/b;
Is evaluated as follows:
  • if ( a > 0 && a<= 10) is true ++a is evaluated 
  • if ( a > 0 && a<= 10) is false a/b is evaluated 
  • the value of c is incremented (+=) by the value of conditional expression.

/* Example of = =, !=, ? : , &&, and || */ 
void main()
{       int year;        
         printf("\nEnter A Year :");
         scanf( %d", &year); 
         (year % 4 = = 0 && year % 100 !=0 || year % 400 = = 0)
            ? printf("\nLeap Year") : printf("\nNot A Leap Year");

I/O Functions:
  • An input/output function can be  accessed from  anywhere within a program simply by writing the function name, followed by a list of arguments enclosed in parentheses.
  • The argument represent data items that are sent to the function.
  • Some I/O functions do not require arguments, but parentheses must appear.
  • Functions that return data items may appear within expression.
  • Functions that do not return data items are separate statements. 
  • The hear file required by the standard I/O library functions is called stdio.h
  • This file is entered into the program by an #include statement at the beginning of the program.

getchar( ) 

  • Enter a single character from the standard input device.
  • It returns a single character from a standard input device ( mainly a keyboard).
  • This function does not require any arguments.
    character variable = getchar ();
/* Get a character from the user and display it back| */ 
void main()
{       char c;        
         c = getchar( );
         printf("C contains : %s", c);

/* Get a character from the user and display it's ASCII Code */ 
void main()
{       char aski;        
         printf("\nEnter A Character : ");
         aski = getchar( );
         printf("\nThe ASCII Code For %s Is %d", aski,aski); 



  • Sends a single character to the standard output device
  • It transmits a single character to a standard output device (mainly a Monitor)
  • The character being transmitted, should be represented as a character-type variable.
  • It must be expressed as an argument to the function.

Usage:     putchar (character variable)

/* Display a character */ 
void main()
{       putchar('A');        

/* Get a character from the user and display it back */ 
{       char c;        
         c = getchar( );
/* Convert text to upper-case, and display  */ 
{       char  text[80];        
         int counter, flag;
         for(counter = 0; (text[counter] = getchar( )) ! = '\n'; ++counter);
         flag = counter;
         for(counter = 0; counter < flag; ++counter)
  • The 1st for statement creates a loop which causes the individual characters to be read into the computer and assigned to the array text[ ]
  • The loop begins with a value of counter equal to zero.
  • A character is then read into the computer from the standard input device and assigned to text[0] 
  • The value of counter is incremented.
  • The process is repeated for the nest array elements till a newline character '\n' is encountered.
  • The value of counter is assigned to flag.
  • The 2nd 'for' displays the contents of text on the screen after converting them to upper-case.


  • Enter data items from the standard input device
  • This function can be used to enter any combination of numerical values, singlecharacters and strings.
  • The function returns the number of data items that have been entered. 
scanf(control string, arg1, arg2, .....,argn)
  • control-string refers to a string containing certain required formating information.
  • arg1, arg2,..., argn are arguments that represent the individual input data items.

  • The control string comprises individual groups of characters, with one character group for each input data item.
  • Each character group must begin with a percent sign ( % )
  • A single character group will consist of the percent sign, followed by a conversion character which indicates the type of the corresponding data item.
  • Table  of conversion character for Data Input:
Character        Meaning
%c                Single character
%d                Decimal integer 
%e                Floating-point value
%f                 Floating-point value  
%g                Floating-point value
%h                Short integer
%i                 Decimal, hexadeciamal or octal integer
%o                Octal integer
%s                String of character
%u                Unsigned decimal integer  
%x                Hexadecimal integer    

A prefix may precede certain conversion characters

Prefix    Meaning
h            short integer or short unsigned integer
l             long integer, long unsigned integer or double
L            long double

  • Each variable name must be preceded by an ampersand (&)
  • The arguments are actually pointers which indicate where the data items are stored in the computer's memory.
  • array names should not begin with an ampersand.
/* Example of scanf( ) using conversion character and ampersand character  */ 
void main()
{       char  text[20];        
         int partno;
         float cost;
         scanf("%s %d %f",  text, &partno, &cost);
         printf("The Value of text is  : %s\n",text);        
         printf("The Value of partno is  : %d\n",partno);
         printf("The Value of cost is  : %f\n",cost);       
  • FIELD means consecutive nonwhitespace characters that compose a data item collectively.
  • The number of such character for a data item can be limited by specifying maximum field width.
  • Unsigned integer indicating the field width should be placed between the percent sign ( % ) and the conversion character. 
  • The leftover character that extend beyond the specified field width will be ignored, or may be incorrectly interpreted as the components of the next data item.

/* Example of scanf( ) with limited field width */ 
void main()
{       int a, b, c;        
         scanf("%3d, %3d, %3d, &a, &b, &c);
         printf("a = %d \t b = %d \t c = %d \n", a,b,c);

Run 1:
User's Input : 1 2 3
Program's Output : a = 1    b = 2    c = 3

Run 2:
User's Input : 123    456    789
Program's Output : a = 123    b = 456    c = 789
Run 3:
User's Input : 123456789
Program's Output : a = 123    b = 456    c = 789
Run 4:
User's Input : 1234 5678 9
Program's Output : a = 123    b = 4    c = 567

 printf( )  

  • Send data items to the standard output device.
  • This  function can be used to output any combination of numerical values, single characters and strings.
  • This function moves data from the computer's memory to the standard output device.
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Learn how to write the Turbo C program step-by-step | Lesson -2 Learn how to write the Turbo C program step-by-step | Lesson -2 Reviewed by Neel Kamal on October 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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